We're proud to release this excellent dark ambient album by Serbian artist DICHOTOMY ENGINE. CD release coming soon!!!!
1. Dichotomy Engine - The Incoming Signal
2. Dichotomy Engine - 3C 273
3. Dichotomy Engine - Rapid Luminosity Change
4. Dichotomy Engine - In The Meantime
5. Dichotomy Engine - Light Escaping
6. Dichotomy Engine - Decoding Process
7. Dichotomy Engine - Hidden Message
8. Dichotomy Engine - Is It True
9. Dichotomy Engine - The Redshift
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English version -
Decoding the Quasar signals review at caozdravo.com!
Project Dichotomy Engine already exist for some time on "that other" side of our scene, and also has live performances, as soloist, and collaborative with other projects (eg, Loud Youth Youth Engine with Youth A.D.). Taking into account the previous editions, which are mostly dark electro / industrial-oriented, Decoding the Quasar Signals is the right and the surprise jump in the genre, new, access and qualitative terms. The album is oriented on the themes of quasi-stellar radio waves and their projections through experimental ambient drone sound, with an excellent story, order number and name, and graphic illustration. All in all, the issue is ripe and better achievement, which is quite rare luck in home electronic scene in recent times.
Introduction, an incoming signal (The incoming signal) clearly indicates what the listener can be expected in the next few strips - a deep, scientific drone ambient. Another thing that apparently has a random name, 3C 273, is actually dedicated to the brightest known quasar, and the only that has a simple and steady beat. Sudden holdups illustrate, assume, characteristic of this "loud" quasars. In general, full album combines mystical, constant drone, pulsating repetative patterns, and a mild, motor noise. The last song, The Redshift, carries its conclusion through the said harsh noise and dimension refraction synth's, but I think that could be more graphic. Although from the description may gain the impression that this accentuated ambience constancy slow and frigid, surprisingly is just the contrary - all the songs are interesting in their own way and are part of the story. The whole project was carefully planned and produced, and prepared for meditative, very picturesque and deep slow motion examination of the cosmos.
Serbian version -
Recenzija albuma Decoding the Quasar Signals na caozdravo.com-u !
Projekat Dichotomy Engine već neko vreme egzistira na "onoj drugoj" strani naše scene, a neretko nastupa uživo, kako solo, tako i kolaborativno sa drugim projektima (npr. Loud Youth Engine sa Youth A.D.). Uzimajući u obzir prethodna izdanja, koja su pretežno dark electro / industrial orijentisana, Decoding The Quasar Signals predstavlja pravo iznenađenje i skok u žanrovskom, idejnom, pristupnom i kvalitativnom smislu. Album je usresređen na tematiku kvazi-zvezdanih radio talasa i njihovu projekciju kroz eksperimentalniji drone ambient zvuk, upakovan u odlično razrađenu priču, redosled i naziv numera, kao i grafičku ilustraciju. Sve u svemu, u pitanju je zrelo i kvalitetnije ostvarenje, kakvo se prilično retko sreće na domaćoj elektronskoj sceni u poslednje vreme.
Uvodni, dolazni signal (The Incoming Signal) jasno ukazuje na to šta slušalac može da očekuje u narednih nekoliko traka - duboki, naučni drone ambient. Druga stvar koja naizgled ima nasumičan naziv, 3C 273, je zapravo posvećena najsvetlijem poznatom kvazaru, a jedina je koja ima jednostavan i ravnomeran beat. Iznenadni prepadi oslikavaju, pretpostavljamo, osobinu ovog "glasnog" kvazara. Uopšte, kompletan album kombinuje mistične, konstantne dronove, puslirajuće repetativne pattern-e i blagi, motorni noise. Poslednja stvar, The Redshift, nosi svoj zaključak kroz pomenutu pucketavu buku i dimenziono prelamanje synth-ova, ali sam mišljenja da je mogla biti slikovitija. Iako se iz opisa možda može steći utisak da je ova naglašena ambientalna konstantnost troma i frigidna, iznenađujuće je baš naprotiv - sve trake su zanimljive na svoj način i predstavljaju deo priče. Ceo projekat je pažljivo smišljen i isproduciran, te pripremljen za meditativno, veoma slikovito i duboko slow motion ispitivanje kosmosa.
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